Luxury Ain’t Cheap

If you’ve read my last blog, you know I ran over a random piece of copper in the road that busted my gas tank. I know. What are the chances of that? Fast forward to the rental car I was given while my car was being repaired. I expected something of lesser value than my current car. When the insurance pays, it usually isn’t something top of the line.

However, I was pleasantly surprised to get a rental car that I fell in love with. Several people told me they thought I should consider getting a car like the rental. I agreed. I loved how smoothly the car drove, the up-to-date technology and the sleek look of the body style. But that’s just it. Isn’t that how we all get hooked on shiny, new things?

As much as I loved the rental car, I have a bigger love for not having a car note. The luxurious ride was nice while it lasted (as long as the insurance paid for it). I’ve even considered breaking my one-year rule before getting a new car. Nonetheless, everything that shines has a cost. A free ride isn’t always a free ride. Weigh out the benefits and determine the worth of upgrading. It may be worth it but it may also hit your pockets (or your mental state) more than you’re willing to pay.

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