Month: October 2021

….But Don’t Push Me

Why do people insist on pushing people with chill attitudes? If there was ever a walking billboard for “Don’t let the smile fool you”, I would be the advertisement. Even as I’m writing this blog today, I had to professionally (as best as I could) let someone know they were stepping way out of bounds […]

I Shoulda Pulled Out

Alright, so it’s not what you think. I’m sure some of you reading this may have a few instances where you wished you pulled out, but we’ll save that for another day. When I mention pulling out figuratively, there are more than a handful of situations where I did the opposite. The older I get, […]

Scared of Silence

Why are some people uncomfortable with being alone? I’m probably not the best person to answer that question, since I grew up as an only child. I’m used to my oneness and at times, I often prefer it. However, when the pandemic was a few months in full swing, there were moments when I did […]

Saving All My F’s for Me

I admire people who don’t care what people think about them. At times, I am that person. At times, I am the furthest from that mentality. Often, I could care less about what strangers, people I dislike or people who have no power over my money think about it me. However, it’s close relationships that […]