Month: March 2022

Trigger Pointe S2E8: “Give It to Me While It’s Hot”

Doesn’t it seem like everyone wants a quick fix these days? From food to social media to love, we want it all on our terms – right now! Unfortunately, this is not how life works. Sure, there are some people who experience a sky rocket transit to fame, glory and realizing their dreams. The vast […]

Trigger Pointe S2E7: “Put Some Respect on My Name”

Entrepreneurship comes with wearing many hats. Accountant, Public Relations Specialist, Marketer and President are just a few of the positions business owners may simultaneously hold. People often see the glory but not the sweat behind the story. Many entrepreneurs work full-time jobs in addition to their crafts, while others leave corporate America to pursue their […]

Trigger Pointe S2E6: “Case of the Fake People”

Discernment is usually sharpened with life experiences. As we suffer deceit and disappointment from people, our vantage point on certain situations changes. Although the word “friend” is loosely used these days, true qualities of friends are rarely cherished. Today’s society rewards quick fixes and fast rises to the top, by any means necessary. As a […]

Trigger Pointe S2E5: “That’s None of My Business”

Some people can’t make a move without the approval from others. You know the type: the ones who have to be accepted by social media, family, lovers and friends. However, most times it takes living through a few trials to really live on your own terms. What happens when you live through a life-altering health […]