Tag: Water Bearer

The End Of An Era

I still remember it like it was yesterday. Twenty years ago, I remember hearing the saying, “To whom much is given, much is required”, to the point ad nauseum. The person speaking the words was a mentor, soon to be fraternity brother and great friend, Arthur Gregg. Sometimes I would say, “Well, give me less […]

Is It a Crime (Astrology)?

Zodiac signs. It seems they are all the rage lately, with many people delving into what they mean and even deeper aspects such as a person’s rising and moon sign. Although I don’t generalize a person based on their zodiac sign, I do believe some common similarities ring true. Specific traits tend to be a […]

All Good Drips Come to an End

It’s hard to believe that the first season of The Water Bearer Podcast is done. When I first launched the podcast, I greeted it with high energy and open expectations. I learned many things about myself as an Aquarius, deeper awareness of other signs and the art of starting over. Although this is the third […]

Catch the Drip…..It’s Live!

Today is an exciting day because I finally get to release the podcast I’ve been telling you about, The Water Bearer Podcast. I’ve been recording some great episodes and the first one just went live on YouTube. “Chasing Waterfalls, Not Feelings” addresses communication styles in relationships, traits of the Aquarius, Capricorn and Libra signs and […]

Can You Catch My Drip?

Life has a consistent way of inspiring art for me. True to form, life found its way to spark the idea for The Water Bearer Podcast, which launches on January 19, 2023. One of the final episodes of the Brown Liquor & Cigars podcast placed me in the hot seat. I was always looked at […]