Tag: Trigger Pointe

Judge Me By My Cover

“You must be sensitive because you’re a poet”. This is a common perception people have of me. Sometimes they’re right. Sometimes they’re wrong. It can be so easy to fall into the expectations of others without truly knowing who we are inside. The creative person (artist, author, musician, etc.) is one that is often misunderstood. […]

I Shoulda Pulled Out

Alright, so it’s not what you think. I’m sure some of you reading this may have a few instances where you wished you pulled out, but we’ll save that for another day. When I mention pulling out figuratively, there are more than a handful of situations where I did the opposite. The older I get, […]

Scared of Silence

Why are some people uncomfortable with being alone? I’m probably not the best person to answer that question, since I grew up as an only child. I’m used to my oneness and at times, I often prefer it. However, when the pandemic was a few months in full swing, there were moments when I did […]

Saving All My F’s for Me

I admire people who don’t care what people think about them. At times, I am that person. At times, I am the furthest from that mentality. Often, I could care less about what strangers, people I dislike or people who have no power over my money think about it me. However, it’s close relationships that […]

Let’s Get Physical

I’ve had a few health scares in the past. There was the time I had my first gout attack on April Fools’ Day (go figure) in 2019. Then there was the time a doctor tried to prescribe an antipsychotic drug for me (that I didn’t need), all because the “side effect” would ease my back […]

Running from My Reflection

When relationships fail, it’s so easy to blame the other person. Really easy. However, even the darkest, most horrible relationships have two sides. It takes two to feel and reciprocate love. It takes two to convey and receive understanding. Nonetheless, we sometimes run into repeat situations because we haven’t dealt with the elephant in the […]

Live Like There’s No Plan B

The older I get, the more I realize there is no linear plan to success. When I was younger, I thought if I went to school, got decent grades and worked hard, I was guaranteed success. Honestly, I couldn’t have been further from the truth. About ten years ago, my passion for writing (poetry specifically) […]

My Mind’s Playing Tricks on Me

For some, it may be a delectable meal. For others, it may be a soothing melodic lullaby that lulls them to sleep at night. Some people find release in rousing sexual escapades. They are all forms of escape. Though some may be more drastic than others, we all have our coping mechanisms. These last (almost) […]

Broke, Busted and Disgusted

Life has a funny way of inspiring art. A few years ago, my bank account was no laughing matter. Life situations mixed with a couple of desperate financial choices left me thousands of dollars in the hole. During that period in my life, I was bitter and unhappy. Plus, I had to quickly find a […]

Unwrap It Now!

I started collecting vinyl in December of last year (with the kick-start from one of my best friends). Since then, I have collected more records than I care to admit. During one of my recent record store visits, the cashier told me about how he purchased a rare album for his teenaged son. His son […]