Tag: Inspiration

It Takes A Mixed Bag Of Fools

I recently saw the movie Bohemian Rhapsody, which detailed the rise (and at times, fall) of the rock band, Queen. I must admit that I have never been a huge fan of the group. However, some of their biggest hits are inescapable. Honestly, I don’t know anyone who dislikes the movie’s namesake breakout hit, “Bohemian […]

Is There Really A Perfect ’10’?

Here’s The Backstory… Last night I watched the TV show Beat Shazam. I started reading a book I’ve been trying to finish up. The TV was still on and the revamped dating show, Love Connection started to play. I got a little distracted from my reading watching the first segment of the show (before I […]

Tell Em Why U Mad

Last Sunday, I had a bit of an embarrassing moment that happened to me. Most of my close friends and family know that Martin is one of my favorite sitcoms. I found a nostalgic, free Martin app a few months ago and I sometimes post memes and gifs from it. The app also has filters […]

Thank You For Seven Years Of Support

The Fourth of July is always a reflective time of year for me. Of course, it’s Independence Day. However, it’s also the day (now, seven years ago) I launched the website that you’re reading this blog from. Any entrepreneur or blogger knows that it’s not easy handling your own business, even if it’s just a […]

I’ve Got You

Last week, I had one of my monthly massages. Often times, people think of massages as something pleasurable and relaxing. Although this is true for the most part, the massages I get can be somewhat painful. The type of massages that I get are preventative against symptoms of a herniated disk. I was having some […]

Be Nice For What?

Many people that know me consider me to be a “nice” person. For the most part, I would say this is true. I try to see the good in people and give them the benefit of the doubt (even if they don’t deserve it). This does not mean I am the moral authority. However, I […]

32 Life Nuggets I’m Taking Into 33

Today is my birthday! Yep, today I am officially 33 years old. I tend to get a bit reflective during this time of year and this birthday was no different. One of the most relaxing things is to sit quietly in my own space and just……think. So, here are some things I have either learned, […]

Seven Lessons 2017 Taught Me

This isn’t one of those prosperous New Year’s posts. This also isn’t one of those new resolution posts. I think it’s better to just focus on being the best version of ourselves each day. Now that we have that out of the way, I do want to share some important lessons I learned this year. […]

What Happens When Love Alters Life?

Love is a feeling we all have experienced at some point in our lives. Whether it’s the love of a romantic interest, family member or friend, we have felt the ups and downs of love. However, society tends to highlight women as the weaker sex when it comes to matters of the heart. There are […]

He’s Just That Amazing

I recently had some self inflicted body damage on my car. I was so angry at myself, although it wasn’t totally my fault. Nevertheless, I had to wait to get my car fixed. I didn’t have $1000 just laying around to fix the damages. I was really starting to stress about how I would get […]